Aah, what a good day of dorama watching. Just finished watching the last episodes of Gambatte Ikkimashoi and Dragon Zakura. Anyway on to Densha Otoko.

Episode 9 sees Densha going on an akihabara date with Hermes. It seems Densha plays Z-ism Ken in Street Fighter Zero 3. Either that or he didn't want to use his super abusable V-ism Sakura. Hermes might get the wrong idea and think he had a school girl complex.
Densha buts in and sort of settles the issue between Hermes parents, despite the valiant attempts of Sakurai-san. I thought they would save it for the end.

The main story for ep 10 is Hermes finding out about the message board Densha frequents. Its great to see the other board members band together in the real world to help Densha. She judges him without reading the contents of the board based on misinformation from the brother. I don't really mind since its just a way to lengthen the story and they've managed to keep it very entertaining. Plus the family seems to have a tendency to rush to conclusions quickly.
The episode ends with Hermes finally sitting down to read the board. However, this begs the question: what's in store for the final episode which will supposedly run at 1 1/2 hours?
What kind of misunderstanding/obstacle can the writers conjure up to make the final ep exciting? A dorama can only be as good as its last ep. 101 Proposals is one damn good dorama but the ending part is so bad that it nearly spoils the whole thing.
For sure Sakurai-san will be the main obstacle in the final ep and I have faith that he will come up with a stupid plan, only for it to backfire in his face. :)
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