Thursday, December 29, 2022

Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu jdorama review

In 2019 there was a beautiful jdorama about a female idoru otaku and an idoru called Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita and it was one of the best shows that year. When I saw that Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu was another show the exact same premise I thought there was no way it can match up, and it doesn't.

Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu or I will die if my favourite idoru goes to Budokan is a much more light hearted and innocent show about underground idoru fandom. While Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita did not hesitate to get into the dark sides of underground idorus, Oshibudo is exists in a lot cleaned up and flowery world.

It doesn't mean there is no reason to watch Oshibudo. One of the charms is that the story is set in Okayama and there is something about underground idorus set in a small town and the show does not hesitate to show off some touristy spots.

I did not hate OshiBudo, the story about superfan Eripyo who supports Maina, the least popular member of ChamJam. The 20 minute runtime made things breezy and I quickly finished the 10 episodes but it is a pretty forgettable feelgood and my mind kept going back to Dakara Oshimashita. 

If you have not seen Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita, do it but if you want something light and feel good about idorus then maybe OshiBudo is for you. Bear in mind this show does not touch on the bad sides of idoru fandom and rather glosses over them. It was kind of unsettling when one of the character declared nonchalantly that he is not doing a full time job so has time to support his oshi. But I suppose the main character Eripyo wears a tracksuit all the time because all her money is used to support Maina.

Ultimately, OshiBudo gets a meh from me. Doboz has subbed the show until episode 5 and you can get the subs from twitter.


Robert said...

Halfway through this drama and it's not great. Yes it isn't dark, but it doesn't present the most glowing view of the subject matter either. The show is being positively informative about the undergound idol scene, but that doesn't stop the otaku all looking a bit pathetic.

One thing that bothers me about both this and the otherwise-excellent Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita: by making the lead character female (which already seems a stretch), the writers cop out by avoiding having to deal with the creepiness of their protagonist becoming obsessed with the idols.

Anonymous said...

@Robert The mangaka of Oshibudo is a woman, she wrote about her expirience. Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita most likely was inspired by it.