Thursday, December 15, 2022

Elpis: Kibou, Aruiwa Wazawai Episodes 3~7

Elpis is my favourite show of the season. The audience knows the truth and can see the twists coming and it does not matter because it is so well written and what is so well written are the characters themselves.

Nagasawa Masami's former newscaster turned Friday Bonbon 'reporter', career on the line trying to do the right thing but at the same time having her personal life which she thought she had conquered continue to weigh her down.

Maeda Gordon who grew up overprotected who never did the right thing slowly getting the courage to do what is right but losing his belief of what is right.

I can't remember a mystery suspense dorama where I can say its the character moments that impressed me and not the revelations. I am cheering all the underdog characters in this show as they all have their moments.

I don't want to jinx Elpis before the finish and so much quality over 7 episodes deserves a must watch award from me because it is so good. Please, please stick the landing so I don't regret the must watch award. Thanks to Edwardwong for the subs or you can get the subs and raws from drama-otaku.


D said...

So excited that a Nagasaki Masami dorama has received a Must Watch from you! I've always liked her, glad she's in a good role.

Robert said...

Watched the first two episodes of this based on your recommendation and, yeah, this is really good. Great work from everybody involved in this show.

Akiramike said...

@D Nagasawa Masami has been on a roll with mother and now Elpis.

@Robert: I am up to ep 9 and it is still good. Fingers crossed the ending is good.