Tuesday, December 27, 2022

And, the Baton was Passed jmovie review

And, the Baton was Passed was one of the movies on show during the Japanese Film Festival and I am bloody glad I did not go watch it. Why? If you look at the poster the top line says that the movie is about two families (Nagano Mei and dad and Ishihara Satomi and daughter) and what is the secret that each parent has staked their life on. The bottom right line says you will cry more if you watch it one more time.

Yes, And, the Baton was Passed is unashamed crying porn with the poster basically spoiling the twist. The movie has been engineered to create this uber sad revelation at the end after so many contrived events and the movie asking the audience, "are you not sad? be sadder!"

The movie had the total opposite effect on me. It is a shoujo sob story that I hated because it was bright and colourful even when the family was poor and so many lucky events happened to Ishihara Satomi's daughter that she is basically set for life and I can't feel sorry for her at all.

And, the Baton was Passed is manipulative jmovie at its worst. I am clearly not the target audience so it does not work on me but this is trying way too hard to be moving that I wish to move it from my hard disk. Avoid.

1 comment:

Shane said...

Yeah this one was absolute trash. Lots of eye candy though.