Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Keishicho Kosatsu Ichika Episodes 1+2

Keishicho Kosatsu Ichika is what happens when TV Tokyo needs a 40 minute dorama, has a bunch of veteran actors and has no budget so the whole series or the main actors need to be shot in the same set. Keishicho Kosatsu Ichika is another one of those 'police' shows where people solve crimes without leaving their own office. I guess the correct term is armchair detective?

All the crime information is brought to our veteran group by the young police officers and the show is about them dissecting the information and offering their opinions which in an office set that looks more like a leftover dining room set than a proper place for police work. There is a more comedic bent with Keishicho Kosatsu Ichika especially with the characters.

I really dislike this trend of solve mysteries without going out of office doramas. There was one a few years back with a bunch of veteran actors in a retirement home or something. In terms of maximising the budget it is an ingenious idea because 90% of the show is in the same set and on location shoots are expensive. As a dorama, I just find it annoying, set is a throwaway and I just can't get into it after two episodes. Avoid.


AL said...

There was a movie Kisaragi where investigation takes place in one room. It was like a pretty good theater play. Maybe this does not serialize well as TV episodes?

Akiramike said...

@AL: Good point. I love Kisaragi and while it was an armchair detective story, it was more of a puzzle box story because every line of dialogue also held clues as to the true identities of the fans that had gathered and every revelation brought more interesting questions.

Is there a good armchair detective jdorama? I can't think of any off the top of my head.

AL said...

I was thinking Furuhata Ninzaburo, what with Koki Mitani theater connections. But after brief rewatching of FN - there are a lot of different (low budget) sets, not just one room.

There was a show called Keishichou Nasi Goreng-ka. I did not watch it, could be really bad, random akb48 main character, despite good supporting actors.