Friday, September 04, 2015

Dokonjo Gaeru Episode 1

Mitsushima Hikari is back. Unfortunately, she just plays the voice of a frog that is stuck on a lazy dude's shirt. Dokonjo Gaeru is basically Doraemon set where Nobita has grown up to be a useless adult and instead of a robot cat with all sorts of contraptions, its a talking frog that likes to talk about konjou (guts).

The think that sticks out in my mind is that Dokonjo Gaeru is a very noisy show that really evokes that old anime feel. They've got a really huge budget with the CG talking frog on a shirt though a lot of times it looks like Matsuyama Kenichi is talking to his boobs.

As much as I like the cast, except for Acchan, I've got no nostalgia connected to the anime and just find the constant arguing between the NEET main character and his frog tiring. If they did a Doraeman with Bonita as a useless adult, I would be thinking the idiot has not learnt anything and why should I care? Dokonjo Gaeru hasn't really given me a reason to care. Maybe it gets better but I have no compulsion to continue watching. Meh.


Cyberwave said...

I dare to say it's truly a pain to stay tuned for 7 episodes right now just for the frog's voice performance. 90% of budget was spent just for showing off the CGI and the rest goes for weekly "I'm going to die you'd better cry" moments. Yoshikazu Okada is the next writer after Kudo Kankuro who disappoints me. You two can write meaningful stuff Saiko kara Nibanme no Koi & Amachan, and then when it comes to Mitsushima you give her these lame comedies? Really? Maybe Ryota Kosawa is my last hope in the comedy area.

Akiramike said...

In defence of Yoshikazu Okada, maybe he doesn't have much leeway with Dokonjo Gaeru. You are a much bigger fan of Mitsushima Hikari than me to last 7 episodes.