Monday, January 28, 2019

Suits Episode 7-11

I am gonna take a break from writing about the Japan trip and get back to writing about Jdoramas which I have been slowly catching up on. I just finished Suits today.

Bframe has indicated that the Japanese show does not hold a candle to the original which I have not seen. I normally prefer to watch the original but in this case, Suits feels like a breath of fresh air because it doesn't have all the tropes of Japanese doramas.

One funny thing I want to mention is that they got that kabuki actor guy Ichikawa Ebizo to play a prosecutor in Suits and in the game Judge Eyes which I just finished, there is a prosecutor character who looks exactly like him called Izumida.

Araki Yuko's job in Suits is to pout and do the doe eye look. Everything I want to say about Suits I've already said in my first review.

Overall I enjoyed Suits and rate it watchable, unless of course you've seen the original then I would suggest you keep your expectations low. Thanks to blitzlilz for subbing. I doubt I will be watching Hajimete koi wo shita hi ni yomu hanashi becaue Fukakyon is in it.

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