Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kanzen Muzai Eps 3~5

Thank the jdorama gods director Oomori Tatsushi went less crazy with the zooming and funny camera angles after episode 2. He still did it sometimes but it was not all bad. There is one scene in episode 5 where the camera is on the old detective's back and he turns around while the camera is slowly zooming on his face and the audience try to read from his face whether he did it or not.

There are too things I can say from Kanzen Muzai. First is that Kitamura Yukiya is a very, very good actor and his performance as Hiyama is powerful.

The second is the script is very good. There are 3 main characters whose life was forever changed by the kidnapping and death of a girl 21 years ago also known as the Ayagawa case. Hirayama who was convicted and spent 20 years in prison. Matsuoka Chisa (Hirose Alice) who was also kidnapped but survived and lives with survivor's guilt and is driven to find justice for the other two victims. 

The third character is the old detective Arimori. He believed with fierce certainty that Hirayama was the killer that he had not qualms about planting evidence against Hirayama. He is a good person as he continues to participate in the victim's of crime association but good people can do horrible things.

Kanzen Muzai made me think about not only how a person falsely imprisoned should act but also how society expects them to act with supporter's party and this incident at the party where no one went to help Hirayama.

Episode 3 really made the show work for me with the possibility that Hirayama was actually not innocent. This is the ultimate horror movie and you see Matsuoka Chisa struggle with that possibility. Hirayama talks about giving up in prison and living for his sister who committed suicide a and talking about how Chisa lived for the two girls who died. Hirayama could not fight on.

While I was busy trying to figure out whether Hirayama was falsely accussed, Kanzen Muzai was about how an innocent person could survive 20 years in prison: planning one's revenge. There was nothing else Hirayama could do and he said he became a monster. Hirayama had nothing else to live for after his sister's suicide. On could comprehend what he had gone through. Just want to say rewatching the above scene after the ending, the old guy really did a great job with his acting.

Maybe except for Matsuoka Chisa was also trapped in a prison with her desire for justice for the 2 girls. Now she can finally lead her own life after the ending.

I really dislike the camera work especially for the first 2 episodes but this is one depressing and haunting jdorama. If only Oomori Tatsushi had not been too experimental with his camera, this would have been an absolute classic but I can only award it a watchable rating.

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