Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Oi Handsome! S2 Episodes 4~8

I think episode 4 of the second of Oi Handsome! is the peak of the series. This episode is about dad trying to find a reason to read Yuka's 5 year diary and avoiding guilt by trying to get anyone to give him the go ahead.

The episode is about Rika being encouraged to shift through her past relationships and this is connected with the song 5 bangai no Marie which I am hooked on. I love it anytime classic songs are woven into the plot of jdoramas.

The theme of the episode is about preconceived notions and I love the stories especially about dad using the female chief to teach his staff a lesson and the florist storyline.

The rest of the series is pretty funny though I think it peaked in the middle. I gave episode 3 a must watch and 4 is a classic as well but I cannot give the series a must watch as a whole for one simple reason: the series is an ad for the movie which is coming out on the 21st of June!

They saved all the storylines to be finished by the movie. I can't remember a jdorama series that told its audience to go the cinema to see what happens next. Most of the time, movies are done because a jdorama is successful like GTO.

Is this a new trend to get more money from fans? Is this the jdorama version of DLC to alleviate the cost of jdoramas? I can't complain since I most watch for free but it is unfulfilling, like a finishing a game only to discover that you have to pay extra money for the real ending DLC . cough Asura's Wrath cough.

Season 2 is still a very funny series and it made me laugh all the way through but not being able to watch the real ending sucks. Very watchable and you hardly get any family jdoramas this funny and written this well.


Robert said...

Did you ever watch the Zenkamono movie?

Akiramike said...

@Robert: I have watched the Zenkamono movie quite some time ago. I wrote the review in my head but not on the keyboard. I remember bits of the movie and will need to do a fast forward to refresh my memory!