Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Game no Na wa Yukai Episode 1


The last time Kame was in a WOWOW jdorama, it was the very excellent Shoutai which should that he could actually act. Now he is an another WOWOW show called the name of the game is kidnapping. Kame plays an advertising planner who is working on a large project for a car company when his plan is shut down by the vice president played by Watabe Atsuro.

Kame is not going to take this lying down and helps Watabe Atsuro's daughter escape from her home. They both decide to stage a fake kidnapping in other for both of them to get their revenge on Watabe Atsuro.

I think my favourite things about Game no Na wa Yukai is that Kame's main character is not a nice guy. He is a womaniser, is ambitious and thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. Not all main characters have to be underdogs to make the audience support them, they just have to be interesting.

Watabe Atsuro makes a great foil if you have watched him in the classic Gaiji Keisatsu. He is perfect casting as the guy you do not watch to match wits with for our fake kidnappers to go against. Episode 1 is mostly the set up with hints of potential twists so let's see what happens in the next episode.

Colour me intrigued and I need to find out who this person is. She better show up in episode 2!


youngheartsparkfire said...

Yui Karen!

Isha said...

Reading the synopsis, I suspect it's based on Higashino Keigo's novel, G@me. (There's also a 2003 movie (same name) with Nakama yukie and Naohito Fujiki!).

Akiramike said...

@youngheartsparkfire: Thanks. Hhm, she is a former Takarazuka. She is th

@Isha: Thanks for that information. I swear Higashino Keigo is responsible for 20% of jdoramas and movies.