Shoujiki Fudousan was a surprisingly watchable jdorama. It was the first Yamapi lead role jdorama which I did not dislike and that is a miracle in itself. It was an educational and fun story about a real estate agent who cannot lie and everyone knows, you do not trust anything a real estate agent says so turning that on its head made for a feel good show. Every profession is based on being an expert at something and providing correct information to customers, except for REAs.
However, I did not have faith that a second season Shoujiki Fudousan would be as good because I think lightning does not strike twice. Truth be told I don't even remember most of what happened at the end of season 2. I remember some of the Ichihara Hayato bits but the main question is, can season 2 keep it up?
+ It is still an educational show on real estate practices in Japan and good for learning specialised words used in the industry. I enjoy the different rules in Japan. Did they do an episode on key money in season 1?
+ I do not dislike Yamapi's acting in this one because Fukuhara Haruka plays well next to Yamapi.
+ Izumi Rika (Mikkoku wa Utau) brings a lot of levity everytime she is on the screen as the love interest.
+ Kurashina Kana got rid of her crappy hair from S1.
+ Katsunori Takashi as the bad guy boss of Minerva Real Estate. He has been in so many of my favourite jdoramas but doesn't get starring roles anymore. :(
- It felt like the early episodes went too far into the generic boring sob story genre. Ie episode 1 was about a husband so hellbent on buying a tower mansion that he did not notice his wife was limping. Zzzz.
- Not enough Izumi Rika. She provides the best humour which this show needed more of and she should have been more involved with the stories.
- Not enough Matsumoto Wakana. It is a crime to have her and not give her a meatier role! It is so easy to get them involve because they can talk to the customers about financing, interest rates and offset accounts.
- At times, the series felt like it was on the verge of becoming boring instead of getting more exciting. There is an element of by the numbers.
= Dean Fujioka was ok as the baddie but there is something about his acting where I cannot see him playing good guys.
I finished season 2 very quickly but I it doesn't feel as fun as the first season. Not good enough to be watchable, I consider it tolerable. Whether you should watch season 2 of Shoujiki Fudousan depends on how much you like season 1. This type of show is hard to review because I don't really have strong thoughts either way but I don't think anyone can regret watching this.
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