Dororo is an anime based on the manga by god of manga Tezuka Osamu. It is about this character called Hyakkimaru who was born without limbs, cannot see, hear nor smell but can fight with his prosthetic limbs and because he can see what is inside people.
Hyakkimaru's father is the ruler of this land of Daigo that was facing ruin because of famine and natural disasters and the father made a pact with demons that he would give them anything for his land to prosper and what the demons did was take everything from Hyakkimaru when he was born except for his head.
Hyakkimaru is on a quest to kill the demons and for every demon killed, he recovers a part of his body. Dororo is the name of the kid who accompanies Hyakkimaru on his quest.
+ So many 'fantasy' anime today are just MMO wish fulfilment stories. Dororo is not that. My first thought watching Dororo is that this story appeals to so many of my sensibilities. It is dark and depressing but beautiful and kids should not be watching Dororo.
+ It is a story about revenge and what price of vengeance is worth it? It is also a story of sacrificing one for the happiness of many and whether happiness that is not truly earned is worth it in the long run.
+ Love the relationship between Hyakkimaru and Dororo. Hyakkimaru has suffered through so much and is so single minded in his quest and Dororo is the one thing that keeps him grounded.
+ Gaining a body part back might not be advantages for Hyakkimaru.
+ Amazing animation especially the action scenes. I love how much love and money was spent on Dororo and Pluto, both based on Tezuka's mangas.
+ I never skip the intro for the first opening. I love how the art looks more similar to Tezuka's. Meh on the second opening although it is from AKFG.
- Nothing.
This is why I love anime. It is all about beautiful visuals and storytelling. If you are like me and sick of the modern MMO style anime, this is for you. Not must watch but I had an great time watching. Very watchable and is on Amazon Prime. The picture is from the PS2 game. Everytime I do an anime screencap, I always get some warning from blogger.
Check the live action movie with Tsumabuki Satoshi next!
@Anon: I actually reviewed the Dororo movie long time ago and did not like it but I don't remember anything so I might rewatch it one day!
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