Monday, May 13, 2024

Hanasaki Mai ga Damattenai 2024 Episodes 1~4

First thing that popped out at me is that I have not seen that much cash in so long living in a society where cash is no longer king, banks don't have many staff anymore and being a bank teller is becoming an extinct job.

I did not realise that this Imada Mio dorama is a remake of a Watanabe Anne 2014 series based on a book by the writer of Hanzawa Naoki. I am not a fan of Hanzawa Naoki despite its popularity because of the extreme overacting but Hanasaki Mai has less of that kabuki-like acting.

Hanasaki Mai (Imada Mio) is a bank teller is transferred to the inspection division of Tokyo Daiichi bank, working with former loan officer Soma Ken (Yamamoto Koji).

I am glad to report that Imada Mio does not overdo it in the super genki shtick like she did with Warui. Soma Ken does not show much enthusiasm for his job as he shows Hanasaki Mai the ropes but clearly he knows how banks work.

Kamikawa Takaya is Hanasaki Mai's uncle who runs the izakaya where she lives and I am surprised to see him playing such a minor role. I am also surprised to learn that he played Soma Ken in the original Watanabe Anne series.

So every every episode, Hanasaki and Soma investigate a branch to uncover non compliant deeds by very bad bank employees which make for fun viewing.

The chemistry between the two is ok and I think Soma become a more interesting character in episode 4 when his past is revealed.

Hanzawa Naoki has his famous phrase I will pay you back multifold, Hanasaki Mai's is okotoba wo kaesu before she lectures the non compliant bankers with no ethics. 

Kikuchi Rinko's character has a very bad wig and a very cool last name Shosenkyo. Her job is to monitor the investigation team uncovering the wrongdoings and to snuff them out so no one finds out and doesn't damage the bank and Kaname Jun is her boss.

The first two episodes felt like they should have been better but I think 3 and 4 got better and looks like there might be an appearance for Hanzawa Naoki in episode 5 but not from Sakai Masato. Hanasaki Mai ga Damattenai is a pretty standard investigate wrong doings in a bank and episode 4 involved a client company but I quite like the cast and there is nothing to dislike. OK watchable, nothing special. Thanks to furritsubs for subbing!


dgundam said...

damn 1.9 gb raws. sigh no hdd space. dont feel like buying a new hard drive. i will probably get it because of my favorite kamen rider g3x kaname jun.

thanks for the review mike!

by the way, did you ever play the jrpg game series suikoden? the spiritual successor to the series eiyuden came out recently. i heard it was good

Akiramike said...

@dgundam: Never played Suikoden. Not a fan of games with too many characters like Chrono Cross though I am playing Unicorn Overlord which is starting to have too many characters.

dgundam said...

ah, i undertand. ya there are 108 playable characters. most of them just get a line or 2 of text for their endings. its the main characters that get more. i think its more of the recruiting a band of heroes to build an army and base, to fight an epic battle with an evil country/empire. suikoden 2 and 5 were good. there are the regular party battles, then there is the army battles and duels later on.

is unicorn overlord good? ive been looking for a jrpg to gift someone