Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Japan Trip 2024 Day 3 Kochi

Took a shinkansen to Okayama, west of Osaka.

Then took a local train to my destination, Kochi in Shikoku.

Lucky to have gotten the Anpanman train as not all of them are Anpanman. Inside the train was also Anpanman and they had the seiyuu doing the announcements before the train moves.

Statue at Gomen Station right before Kochi. And I learned later that there was a Surugaya here!

I had arrived in Kochi, home of Sakamoto Ryoma! While this wasn't intentional, I had always wanted to spend a week exploring Shikoku. The concert forced my hand and here I was!

Kochi station.

Beautiful clouds as I was walking towards Kochi castle where the centre of town should be.

Wait, am I in Hawaii or Japan? I feel like Kasugo in RGG8. Did I get on the wrong train and end up in Hawaii because that is what Kochi felt like, especially with the heat.

On the way, the sign of otaku bar, Freegate caught my eye! All the way out here in Kochi? I must investigate tonight!

Statue of Terada Torahiko. Looks like he studied under Soseki Natsume.

Looks like I found the sleepy shotengai.

Yukimi is from Shikoku and she and everyone said you have to eat the katsuo!

The katsuo being bbqed.

Katsuo is here! It was ok but I don't see what the fuss is about.

Went to Hirome market.

It straight away reminded me of the market in Aomori. Lots of fish and everyone buys from the stalls and sits down to eat.

Did not end up eating any Unagi, sadly.

Then I saw my 4 favourite kanji together: 鶏皮餃子 aka chicken skin gyoza! It was been way too long and I still remember the first time I had it at Himeji.

Heading to Kochi castle.

Me thinks me has found next taiga dorama to watch?

Model of Kochi castle in the castle.

View from top of Kochi castle.

Whale hunting back in the day.

Statue of Yamauchi Katsutoyo.

Amazing samurai sword.
Eva illustration exhibition in Kochi?

No matter where you go in Japan.

You will always run into surprises. I came into Kochi with no research, just talked to people in Osaka.

Waitaminit, that fella at the window looks familiar!

I feel like there is a Donkuri kyowakoku everywhere.

Which reminds me I have not seen the last few Ghibli movies...

I like the super eroy atashi shirt lol.

I feel like I am in Hawaii but not.

Managed to find the nearest hard off which was a bit of a walk.

As expected it did not have much.....

but I managed to find Rain for the PS3 in the showcase as I was leaving.

Amazing clouds.

Sun going down.

No human used clothing store aka no staff. Did not see whether it had a machine for taking money. You always see videos of people stealing from these no staff food or clothing stores in Japanese news. 

Went to a shop for dinner which had caught my eye earlier. Shimanto pork tonkatsu!

It was alright, can't complain.
Went to Freegate afterwards. There was a young woman there and she said the owner was late and she was looking after the bar. I thought she was just a regular employee and only realised who she was the next day! A lot of gaming talk. Turns out owner is a Street Fighter player as well. No photos allowed in the bar but there was plenty of manga and video game posters. Felt very much at home. lol

Picture from the toilet. 3 other regulars came in later and one of them was a Ryu ga Gotoku fan who had played everything as well so plenty to talk about. They also brought food and shared it with me. Owner finally came in later. Great first night in Shikoku! I dig the slow sleepy lifestyle of Kochi and there are a LOT of night entertainment places. Another funny thing is that in Kochi all the free information places 無料案内所 are operated by old ladies lol. In the rest of Japan, it is always some dude in a suit.


Robert said...

Always love your Japan trip posts... great photos and commentary! What's with the no staff stores? Never heard of that.

Akiramike said...

@Robert: In the Japanese countryside you can find unmanned vegetable stalls or amulet stalls in temples that rely on honesty and people dropping coins into a box. Rural areas also face worker shortages as young people all move to the cities. For example many convenience stores in rural areas are not 24/7.