Not much to say about this dorama that I haven't said here. But seeing Jinnai Takanori who plays Aya's pop makes me want to watch Heaven Cannot Wait season 2. His potrayal of Tendo in the first series is priceless. I just want to see him go ba-ba-ba-ba-baka! mo........ If you've not seen Heaven Cannot Wait, its one of the best written episodic doramas out there. (When I say episodic it means that each episode is a self contained story)
The main reason to watch this series is of course Sawajiri Erika who shows that girls with crooked teeth are more kawaii than girls with straight ones!

Hey, how come only Japanese girls here??
How about some Korean Chicks like KIM HEE-SUN...wah!!! too sexy too cute.
Uumm, maybe its because I generally don't find korean actresses/singers/idols that hot....
My response to that face is "GAP TOOTH!" & "CRAPPY DENTAL PLAN!"
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