All I can say is wtf? Ep 1 is a ten minute short with 3 minutes of credits. How exciting. (note sarcasm) And it had to feature those two Meira bros from MI. Wtf.The only bros needed in the KOF world are Terry and Andy. WTF gives a crap about those two? Plus KOF: MI was a crappy game anyway. Chain combos do not belong in KOF.
Iori has one freaking line in his 2 minute appearance and its not Asobiwa Owarida...The one thing to note is that it obviously takes place after KOF XI cause Iori has lost his powers.
Does Mai go around South Town dressed in her KOF costume? No wonder Andy's always running away from her......Well, at least I didn't have to pay for it. The bloody trailer was more exciting.......
Yes I am............ Thanks to RealKim for posting the link. I just want to see Terry pull off his Buster Wolf DM....
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