We've all head about studies which show that gaming increases your reflexes, how dating sims can level up your picking-up-skills and how the PS2 joypad can be a subtitute for the vibrator. Well, today I have proof that Starcraft causes mental illness!
These are from emails between me and Druggy to alleviate the boredom of work. I've edited all the political talks since I don't want Druggy to be imprisoned under ISA.......
Family/Friends don't betray each other. Funny, this reminds me of a typical story. Once, J,E and M said to D "Do not attack a newbie lar in SC". D obeyed. But at the following game, J,E and M rushed D who was utterly defenceless......Naturally, D was destroyed completely in that game *Cough*cough*
if J, E and M rush D, that must mean that D actually had 2 other teammates who could have came to his aid. and the great kv said there is no such thing in SC as utterly defenceless. instead on analysing the game, D became very spiteful and blamed everything on J, E, and M and somehow used his twisted sense of logic to convince himself that J, E and M had somehow 'betrayed' him.
I think this D has serious mental issues and is out of touch with reality. If i were you, I would send him to tanjung rambutan for a few days..
No,no....you failed to see the point. The point was that it was illegal to rush 1 person especially when the 2 other person in his teams were BEGINEERS........D did not become spiteful.....because of this BUT because J,E and M went back on their words....where is their sense of honor? I recall also "JEM" did not say anything after winning that game...cough.....cough....
"Once, J,E and M said to D "Do not attack a newbie lar in SC"

Ya lar. Your other 2 teammates are newbies so J, E & M kept to their word and attacked the gosu lar.
Obviously this D is suffering greatly from keeping such spitefulness welled up inside him. I'm betting he's one of those fellas who always smile and says 'i'm not spiteful' but deep down just wants to beat up everyone.
J, E & M obviously did not go back on their word, I did not see the letters Y & C in J,E, & M. Only YC make noise after every victory. D is obviously a danger to society and himself. His arguments make no sense and stubbornly tries to justify everything he says. Wait D, would make an awesome BN politician like the fella who said if u dun like to do nekkid near squats, get out of XXXXXXXX.
The rushing is the problem lar....I think the problem here is like FRIENDS DO NOT BETRAY............RIGHT? You are like, "we should go after the man who took the MMS picture not the constable in charge".....instead of "we should go AFTER\nBOTH of them"........anyways, pointless lar now to argue about this, nall D can look to now is the future of good friends WHO DO NOT BETRAY........................
J, E & M obviously did not go back on their word, I did not see the letters Y & C in J,E, & M. Only YC make noise after every victory.
D is obviously a danger to society and himself. His arguments make no sense and stubbornly tries to justify everything he says. Wait D, would make an awesome XX politician like the fella who said if u dun like to do nekkid ear squats, get out of XXXXXXXX.
The rushing is the problem lar....I think the problem here is like FRIENDS DO NOT BETRAY............RIGHT? You are like, "we should go after the man who took the MMS picture not the constable in charge".....instead of "we should go AFTER BOTH of them"........anyways, pointless lar now to argue about this, all D can look to now is the future of good friends WHO DO NOT BETRAY........................
Let's look at the chain of reasoning:
1)Once, J,E and M said to D "Do not attack a newbie lar in SC"
2) J E n M on team 1 and D with 2 noobs on team 2
3) so J E n M on opposing side against D.
4) J, E n M cannot attack noob in SC and SC is about attacking non ally.
5) D is obviously GOSU
6)therefore D is not noob
7)therefore J E M attack D.
So wtf in this sequence of events did J E & M 'betray' D? Its not like they were in same team as D and attacked his sunken!

It is very obvious that Druggy, though a highly educated and intelligent gosu has some gaps in his logical thinking. Furthermore, he continues to refer to himself in the 3rd person as D, thereby showing signs of multiple personality disorder.
Its is my diagnosis that Druggy has kept the years of spitefulness and vengeful thoughts inside and somehow it has menisfested a new personality, D. Druggy is aware of D's memories and experiences and yet does not realise that they are his. Furthermore, this event must have happened a long time ago before he became a gosu and gained the ability to fend off two ppl.
Now, how did SC actually cause Druggy to be mentally instable? I have three theories:
The first has to do with SC's perfection. No other RTS has achieve perfection in gameplay, balance and tactics. Druggy, being the gosu that he is probably is near to achieving SC awareness or SC nirvana whereby like Neo, he can see all the variables in the game. The human mind cannot comprehend perfection and thus 'short circuits'..
The second is that Druggy is quite simple a spiteful person.
Third possibility is that he's been taking too much drugs.
So Druggy, there is only one way to cure you. You must face ur demons and come down to Melbourne in Jan for the Ghostroc farewell tour 2006.
omg lol wtf?
Dude, we've got some issues right? I MEAN WE REALLY GOT SOME ISSUES....I'm busy at work right now but let me think about your article ....and I'll get back to you.
Hey Akira,
I am an avid SC player and I have some questions to ask:
Are J, E and M all veterans of SC?
Obviously there are some imbalance isn't it? I mean, D may be gosu and all, but his team mates are all newbies right?
I'm assuming this is a 3 v 3 game?
Kheve may be right as there are no such thing in SC as utterly defenceless, but numbers do help a lot right?
The answers are as follows:-
i. Yes.
ii. Yes.
iii. Yes.
iv. Yes.
I shall wait and see whar my learned friend says....
Assuming that said event event did actually happen, yes, it would be unbalanced. However, one must ask how did Druggy end up with two noobs in his team.
Who were these two (phantom) SC noobs? Why did Druggy consent to teaming up with them instead of splitting them up to different teams? Why did Druggy not open his golden mouth and say anything/protest?
What would a reasonable person in Druggy's position would have expected J, E and M to do? Stay at home and just build up like those ppl who love to play BGH?
Why is Druggy still harping this one game which is at least 3 years old out of the hundreds and thousands of SC games he has played over the years. I have established that J, E and M did not act dishonourably. If they were dishonourable they would have attacked the noobs and saved Druggy for last.
Umm...I think your writing is a bit biased. Attacking one dude with 2 noobs as team mates is just dishonourable - especially when you told "D" not to attack any noobs firstly.
I guess D was just following some sort of silly advice earlier. Ah, well....We'll see what druggy has got to say especially when he harbours such resentment towards JE and M.
Hey do you guys have the replay?
Hahahaha. Kinda reminds me of the old days. Speaking of that, can someone tell me when exactly is Ghostroc leaving? And I can't remember who those 2 supposed "noobs" were but I suspect they were pretty experienced, not noobs as were claimed.
I have a supporter? Thanks j-der...
Lets see...the noobs were......HS (Psiblades friends....)and F.......
Akira, I wanna see you defend against 3 ppl....really. I want to see what's your definition of "reasonable man" and no such thing as utterly defenseless when it comes to 3 v 1. Will you be able to take the heat?
When is GR leaving? Will Psiblade give him a fair play before he goes? Or will there be a "J****" ? Find it all in the next exciting comment @ hamsapsukebe.blogspot.com. Same time, same page......
J-der: Well, wut do u expect us to do? This is SC not simscraft. This thing probably happened 3 years ago and who knows why Druggy ended up with 2 SC noobs.
Druggy is just a spiteful person who enjoys releasing all the stress from work on his friends.
And no we don't have a replay so Druggy doesn't have any proof the game happened.
Psiblade: Damn forgot to ask Roc.
Druggy: Wow, u really like flogging a dead horse.
First of all, wtf would I want to be in a 1 on 3 position? Secondly, I would have split the less exp SCers up. You willingly and knowingly teamed up with two noobs. Stop blaming other ppl.
As long as Psibeing team with DT YC can liaw. Me and Roc so out of form.
So what you are saying is that we should give concessions to noobs when we play with them and attack the veterans?
Peace my friends ....peace....
Do not let the SC cause further illness.....
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