Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Rest in Piece Tamura Masakazu


It is no fun writing posts like this but I have to write something about Tamura Masakazu who is such a big role in the world of jdoramas. He is most famous for his role as the detective in Furuhata Ninzaburo but for me, it was his role as the father in Oyaji alongside Kuroki Hitomi that I most remember him for.

I still consider Oyaji maybe the best family jdorama ever. Tamura Masakazu has the ability to play this obnoxious and preachy father but still make him likeable because of his humanity. When I think about fathers in jdoramas, the first image that pops into my brain is Tamura Masakazu.

Rest in peace Tamura Masakazu and thank you for all the entertainment you have given the world.


  1. dgundam3:08 am


    A good actor that will be missed. Too many artists dying off recently. its a sad state of affairs. but i think it will only get worse since we are all getting old mike. i feel old, and everyone we know and watched are also getting on in years. more and more people will be passing and it will be sad :(

  2. Anonymous3:46 am

    RIP. His performance in Utsukushii Hito was my personal favorite. Truly a gentleman with class.

    PS: Don't mean to nag, Mike, but looks like spellcheck ran amok on the blog post title.

  3. Anonymous8:39 pm

    RIP oyaji
