Sunday, May 30, 2021

Blind Witness Jmovie review

Blind Witness is a thriller starring Yoshioka Riho who is currently in Renai Mangaka. She plays a police officer Natsume who quits when she gets into an accident that resulted in the death of her brother and the lost of her eyesight.

One day Natsume comes across a the sound of a car hitting someone and she could hear the voice of a girl asking from help in the car. Of course the police were reluctant to believe her because she only heard the kidnapping girl and did not see her. Blind Witness is a thriller about a girl can solve a case without the ability to see.

For some reason, Blind Witness felt familiar, as if I had seen it before but I was 100% sure I had not and sure enough I had written a review of the Korean version, Blind way back in 2011! Unfortunately, it looks like I lost of copy of Blind so I might try to download it again to see the changes.

My thought on Blind Witness are the pacing is a bit slow especially since we know who the killer is very early. Natsume is a great character and the subway chase sequence is the highlight of the movie and looking back at my review, it was the same for the Korean original. Some characters do stupid things which is annoying but overall its a flawed but watchable movie.

Also, the guide dog is awesome. Decent thriller.

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