Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Sakura no Tou Episodes 1-6


Tamaki Hiroshi seems to be working very hard recently because he seems to be in everything. Tamaki is in yet another revenge show after Ryu no Michi except its a police show with a twist; its about political factions in the police vying for power.

Tamaki Hiroshi plays an ambitious police officer Ren who will happily break the rules in order to help his political ambitions. Ren isn't that likable of a character because he is a single minded revenge person without much of a personality.

I would not say the politics and twists and turns is superbly written but it is decent enough. Big plus for the show is Hirosue Ryoko as Tamaki's childhood friend and Naka Riisa as the bosss's daughter. 

Two of my favourite actresses though Naka Riisa's role is a bit underwritten, especially for her talent. Hirosue Ryoko does a decent job I have to say after Ueto Aya, I think anyone makes a more believable police detective.

Watchable show if you like factional politics, backstabbing and your shades of grey characters. Thanks to Deedlitmurata for subbing!


  1. Tamaki has a new baby, so I guess he needs milk money, lol. May give this a go after all.

  2. @junny - Tamaki is also in the Lost Judgement game with Kimutaku so he is really working hard for diaper money!
