Sunday, May 23, 2021

Renai Kekkon no Rule review

Time for some old school jdorama! Renai Kekkon no Rule is a Koizumi Kyoko vehicle which is like a reverse 101 proposals because its told from the perspective of the female character instead of the one doing the proposing played by Yanagiba Toshiro.

The other difference is that the Yanagiba Toshiro character is not an underdog but is a successful person but his qualities such as being from the country are seen as negative in Koizumi Kyoko's eyes. Renai Kekkon no Rule is about this rich country guy declaring his admiration to this OL who has no interest in him at all.

To be honest, Renai Kekkon no Rule feels like a frankenstein script with a lot of jdorama tropes through to be coherent but not having a strong narrative except for Koizumi Kyoko being wishy washy. The producers just scatter random survey results about love to make the show seem trendy to 30 year old women looking for love.

I think what hurts Renai Kekkon no Rule the most is that Koizumi Kyoko does not have strong chemistry with either the male leads nor would I say both relationships were written well at all. 

What kept me watching through to the end besides watching a young KyonKyon was the supporting characters especially the older brother and the weird neighbour. And there is a very nice cameo in the final episode which brought a smile to my face.

In the end, which Renai Kekkon no Rule does not suck, I would not recommend it unless you are a fan of KyonKyon.

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