Thursday, September 12, 2019

Nagi no Oitoma Episodes 2-6

The formula with rom coms is usually to start with two characters who were made for each other but who seem to be the only people in the world who do not realise this and the fun is watching them go through obstacles to get together in the end.

Nagi no Oitoma is something very different. We have two people, Nagi and Gamon who are clearly not meant to be together or rather were not mature enough to be in a relationship together. Nagi who tried to hard to read situations and Gamon who is essentially a tsundere.

I can't believe its taken 6 episodes to realise what the hell is wrong with Gamon. I blame Japanese anime where all the guys have no personalities and tsunderes are always female.

Yes I know there are plenty of tsundere guys in fujoshi anime but you know what I mean.

I enjoy the writing of Nagi no Oitoma. The friendship scene in episode 6 is great. Love Urara and her mother. Watching Nagi learn about her weaknesses and the fact that Gamon knew all about them was fun.

The thing is, I don't want to see Nagi and Gamon together. Not just because we never got to see them happy but because Ichikawa is better for Gamon and they have more chemistry together.

Plus Ichikawa is at the other end of the kuuki spectrum where she's so good at it that all the women are jealous.

That scene where Gamon introduced Ichikawa as his colleague was painful to watch. The dude can be so smart but he can be so dumb. Team Ichikawa till the end!


  1. Anonymous2:57 pm

    Abe Hiroshi, Tamaki Hiroshi, Nishijima, Oguri Shun did plenty of tsundere roles

  2. I really liked the first episode, but I was afraid that it would just end up with her and Gamon. I see he's still around in these episodes and that annoys me, but I hope that Nagi learns her lesson and gets with the other guy.
