Sunday, September 08, 2019

Nagi no Oitoma Episode 1

In Nagi no Oitama, Kuroki Haru aka the girl from Juhan Shutai plays Oshima Nagi, a girl who reads the atmosphere too much and tries way to hard to please people including her boyfriend played by Takahashi Issey by doing things such as spending one hour a day straightening her natural curls.

One night at work she overhears Takahashi talking bad about her and saying he was only with her for the sex. Shocked, Nagi quits her job and moves to a cheap apartment where she meets a lot of interesting people as she tries to restart her life.

I was ready to dislike the Nagi character because she just overthought things and let herself be abused by everyone but I appreciated her earnesty in trying to change herself or rather trying to accept herself for who she is. We all need positive shows that don't get too preachy.

My problem is with Takashi Issey's creepy ex boyfriend and all his fakeness.

The twist at the end of the episode was that Takashi actually loves Nagi or at least claims to love her. Is there a sob story good enough to exonerate him or will it be interesting enough to make him interesting? I guess I'll have to watch the series to find out.

I like the tone of the story and Kuroki Haru is good so watchable first episode plus its got a couple of recommendations in the comments.


  1. nanimono2:54 pm

    Issei's character is less annoying after a few episodes, I also like Ichikawa Mikako's character here. Another good series from this season which I think you might want to check: Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita and Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen!

  2. Anonymous2:39 am

    I've seen all seven episodes that have aired so far and this show has been immensely enjoyable to me. And I'll second the recommendation for Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita, from what I've seen of it do far.

  3. I'm looking forward to watching more of this I think, but I feel like Nagi's character so much that it's almost triggering. :/

  4. Anonymous3:27 pm

    issei's character is just the type that don't know how to express love besides bullying. he actually loves nagi because they're very alike.
    i like that they showed nagi's bad sides too(it isn't reading the atmosphere), she partially to blame of her situation
