Sunday, September 15, 2019

Color Me True / Konya Romansu Gekijou de jmovie review

Color Me True is has an interesting premise where the princess from a black and white movie played by Ayase Haruka crossed over to our world and mets up with the no.1 fan of the movie who happens to be an assistant director played by Sakaguchi Kentaro.

To be honest, the first half of the movie really lost me. I found no fun in the relationship of the tsundere princess and assistant director who fell in love in Ayase Haruka as an actress.

For a movie about an assistant director writing a script, the script for Color Me True just felt weak, especially when it pertains to the relationship of the two main characters.

We've got Kitamura Kazuki as the leading actor of the period but it just feels like he should have more to do and they only used him for window dressing.

I was seriously considering stopping the movie and then we had the big revelation half way and a very strong ending to finish the movie off.

All I want to say is, the concept is great especially the ending but execution is suss. Color Me True feels like it would have been better served as a 5 or 6 episode tv series. Another complaint is not enough black and white Ayase Haruka scenes.

There are so many things that the movie did not have time to build on like the magic of making movies in that era or Kitamura Kazuki's character and most importantly Ayase Haruka and Sakaguchi Kentaro's relationship.

Don't expect to much especially the first half and you might find a watchable movie. Color Me True is available from nyaa here.

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