Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Naked Director

The Naked Director is an 8 episode Netflix series starring Yamada Takayuki as an English encyclopedia salesman who ends up being a porn director. The most obvious comparison would be Mosaic Japan written by the legend himself Sakamoto Yuji which was en examination of the good, bad, weird and funny things about JAV.

The Naked Director is history lesson into the business side of Japanese porn with the story of a bunch of underdogs trying to go against the establishment. One thing it does better than Mosaic Japan is that its a lot more visual and sensual. The best thing about Netflix is that there are no censorship rules, unless you live in one of those countries.

While I enjoyed the series and finished it in two days, I just felt the writing was not as strong as it could have been. I think The Naked Director to me as an underdog story felt undercooked, especially the supporting characters. I liked all the characters in the end but for the time I spent with them I felt I should have known them more.

The story is also really slow in the beginning and its not until that Morita Misato who plays Kuroki Kaoru gets involved in the main story that things get heated. I have no idea who Morita Misato is but she is good. When she's on the screen with Yamada Takayuki, that's when you feel the electricty.

Things happen in the final episode too quickly and I just wonder maybe it should have been better as a movie? Despite my various complaints, I had fun not just because of the sex and nudity but I love shows set in the Showa era and I enjoyed the history lesson. Watchable jdorama that could have been more. If you are not on Netflix, you can use the free one month trial to watch The Naked Director like I did.

If you are interested in more JAV shows, I recommend Mosaic Japan and Make Up Room.

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