Sunday, August 11, 2019

Soushite, Ikiru Episode 1

Just when I thought there's nothing for me to watch this season, I saw HPriest was subbing WOWOW dorama Soushite, Ikiru and I knew there was still hope for this season.

First of, like I saw with 90% of WOWOW shows, the production values is better than your typical jdorama. Even the car crash at the beginning of the episode was better than what you usually see in your every jdorama.

Soushite, Ikiru has 'it girl' Arimura Kasumi play an orphan who was raised by her uncle is sort of a countryside idol wanting to try to make it in Tokyo.

Before she could go to the audition, the great Tohoku earthquake hits finds herself doing volunteer work in Kesennuma where she meets Sakaguchi Kentaro.

Very good solemn and moving first episode. I was glued to the screen from beginning to the end and I got attacked by onion ninjas during the bonfire scene.

I like the revelation in the end from Sakaguchi's character. Not sure how this show will proceed from here or what the gimmick is but Soushite, Ikiru has the potential to be must watch show. I'm guessing Soushite, Ikiru about people who on the outside should be happy but have a deep profound sadness.

Very promising first episode and I encourage everyone to check it out.


  1. Anonymous4:11 am

    Arimura isn't IT girl since Gakki snatched this title.
    I like how compassionate and how in right tone it done.
    I think this season is pretty good with:
    -Nagi no Oitoma(Issei Takahashi is very fun to watch)
    -Dakara Watashi wa Oshimashita
    and probably Naked Director

  2. thanks. I'll give this a go.

    @ Anonymous, These are exactly the shows I'm watching, exept for Naked director, which I'm downloading right at this moment and have to start yet. :-)
    I agree on Nagi no Oitoma. It's quirky and fun. I keep waiting for it to collapse, but after 4 episodes it's still entertaining.
    Gokudols is so trashy it's fun, and Dakara watashi wa oshimashita didn't really excite me in any way.

  3. @anon and Antspace : Thanks for the recommendations.

  4. Anonymous4:42 pm

    "onion ninjas" lmao
