Saturday, August 17, 2019

Parasite Kmovie review

Its been a while since I've seen a Kmovie. When I heard that Bong Joon-Ho's Parasite had won the Palm d'Or which Shoplifters won last wear, I was very excited to watch it. I was disappointed with the overhyped Okja and I wanted to see the director who had done The Host, Snowpiercer and Mother back at the top of his powers.

Parasite is a movie about this poor, down on their luck family whose son becomes the tutor for the daughter of a very wealthy family. The son then gets his sister a tutoring job with the wealthy family and then his whole family is leeching of the wealthy one.

From the beginning, Parasite felt very off for me. The characters did not feel sympathetic at all. It wasn't like shoplifters where the family did not know any other way to survive. The Parasite family is smart and they did not feel downtrodden enough to be underdogs.

I'm guessing the director does not want empathy towards the Parasite family but I did not really care about anyone. I didn't find the antics funny or moving at all and there was not really anything to contrast the Parasite and rich families. Even the dark comedy parts after the reveal left me bored and can anyone tell me what was the point of the little boy doing the morse codes in the tent?

99% of the reviews for Parasite praise it very well about its analogies to class divide but all I saw was an unfunny comedy wannabe where I could not figure the point of the story. Meh.


  1. As a fans of South Korean psychological/thriller/horror movies, I'm eager to watch this based on the award it won, but I think I should skip this. Haha.

    There's another South Korean movies that I want to recommend, if you have the time try to check it out.

    The Wailing, a horror movie, plus it has Jun Kunimura in it. And another one, Burning, although your mileage may vary about this one.

  2. Anonymous7:33 am

    @Faiz Ikari : No you shouldn't skip it, it's an amazing movie.

  3. Anonymous7:35 pm


    I agree. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that combines comedy, anger and sadness in such a potent way.

  4. Anonymous5:31 pm

    I recently saw the movie and I have to agree with your review. It's not just that I dislike the movie because it is below the overhyped expectation. The whole plot just goes nowhere and is contrived most of the time.
