Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Shoujiki Fudousan Episodes 1-7


There are few certainties in life such as Japan will not fully open until after the election, Fukada Kyoko will never learn to act and never trust anything a real estate agent says. 

Shoujiki Fudousan is the Liar Liar of real estate doramas: what if a real estate agent is cursed with the inability to lie? I came into Shoujiki Fudousan ready to hate it because I dislike Yamapi. Surprisingly, it has turned into a watchable feel good show despite his presence.

Firstly, Fukuhara Haruka is very good as the naive newbie Tsukishita who Yamapi takes under his wing. The combination of the innocent shoujo manga style character with a scheming real estate agent who cannot lie is fun thank's to Fukuhara Haruka's bundle of energy and earnesty. I could not help but root for her character and not everyone can do a Kanzaki Nao type of character.

Secondly, Shoujiki Fudousan is educational as it teaches the viewers all sorts of dodgy real estate practices for Japan and it is sadly comforting to know similar things happen in Japan as in Australia. I have also recently become hooked on this youtube channel called naiken johnny who visits all sorts of small apartments in Japan which will never make it into jdoramas.

On a side note, one of my pet peeves is that even poor characters in jdoramas live in pretty big apartments. I know it is easier to shoot but poor people live in small spaces and a lot of times jdoramas don't reflect that.

The third thing that is good about Shoujiki Fudousan is watching Yamapi try to win by telling the truth. I think its unrealistic but with all the bad things happening in to world, its nice to temporarily be in a world where good things happen when people do the right thing. I want to like in a world where a real estate agent is not bullshitting clients with every word and a builder who is trying to do a good job instead of doing shoddy work.

I wish to state for the record that Kurashina Kana's face looks a bit plastic in this show. Maybe its the makeup or hairstyle but something is off. I know every face in jdoramaland is fake but I don't like watching actresses turn into plastic monsters eg Asano Atsuko.  

Big thanks to miawmiawsubs for subbing! Surprisingly watchable and I breezed through 7 episodes in no time.

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