Sunday, May 29, 2022

Mirai e no 10 count jdorama review


There was once a rumour that Kimutaku's next dorama would be based on the Judge Eyes games. Sign me up for a detective action jdorama set in Kamurocho! Unfortunately, Mirai e no 10 count is based on the least interesting part of the game Lost Judgement which is the main character becoming the coach of the boxing club. 

In Lost Judgement Kimutaku actually fights as a boxer but half the game is him being the adviser to various school clubs and it seems like this was the inspiration for Mirai e no 10 count. In Mirai e no 10 count, instead of being a detective who was once a lawyer, Kimutaku is a pizza delivery driver who once ran a yakitori place and was a former champion boxer with a dead wife.

Pizaa delivery Kimutaku is recruited by his former coach to coach his old high school boxing club where no one knows anything about boxing despite being in the club for a year. In order words Mirai e no 10 count is an underdog sports dorama which is an almost failsafe genre.

Kimutaku has recruited an great cast including Mitsushima Hikari who is completed wasted in the role as the love interest cum club adviser, Uchida Yuki as the principal, Yasuda Ken as best friend and Yabe Kenzo as assistant principal.

If you have watch jdoramas, you know how it goes. Kimutaku has to produce results or he is fired and the principal and other teachers go against him while love interest cheers him and students on. I know that I said that underdog sports doramas are almost failsafe but when the sports part sucks the whole thing falls apart. I am looking at you Buzzer Beater.

The boxing in Mirai e no 10 count just sucks. Storyline wise the students are supposed to be so bad but I don't bloody buy it. I don't buy anything in this show. When they show real boxers from different schools for a few seconds you can tell the difference between actors and real boxers. Yes I know they are underdogs because this is about them getting better but you can't do a basketball story where everyone is a Hanamichi. 

I feel Mitsushima Hikari is so wasted in a role she doesn't even have to try. I really wanted to watch this to the end because I like all the other talent but I don't care about the kids and every stupid melodrama just bores me. 

I just feel like the writing while it contains a lot of the necessary jdorama tropes to make the story work, does not have the polish to pull everything together. If you want to watch a sports jdorama, watch No Side Game which actually has good rugby action or Kimutaku's Pride.

Very meh and mediocre dorama despite the actors involved which I finally decided to drop. Just wish Kimutaku had done a hard boiled detective dorama instead of this meh attempt at comfort food.


  1. Robert12:53 pm

    Yeah this hasn't been good but Hikari's presence has kept me watching.

    Have you ever seen Naguru Onna?

  2. dgundam8:10 pm

    Hi mike, been a while since ive been to your site. how have you been?

    been busy with family so havent been able to watch jdramas in a while.

    sorry to ask you for a favor, but do you know where i can get the eng subs for aoi tori?
    i was organizing my hds and realize i dont have the subs anymore. i tried going to d addicts to get the subs but the link is dead. do you know of where i can get the subs?


  3. @dgundam: Try to download from this link
    I have zipped the smi files for you.
    Hope they work for your raw!

    @Robert: I have not seen Naguru Onna. Looks like raredoramas has the raw with korean hardsubs. Is it good?

  4. Robert10:44 am

    I thought Naguru Onna was really good... A while back I watched a bunch of Emi Wakui 90s dramas and that was my favorite.

  5. dgundam4:18 pm

    thanks mike! these work fine for my raws...i cant believe i deleted these subs from my hd.

    on another note, i try watching kdo every year, but ever since the kids i dont have time for any jdramas at i cant seem to get my wife to sit and watch it.

    she watches american tv shows, so i tried letting her watch suits and the good wife jp, but she didnt like them sibce they werent the same. also she doesnt like slow dramas.

    do you have any jdrama u can suggest that i can use to get her feet wet into watching jdramas? oh she did watch my husband wont fit on netflix lol

  6. suppaf1:01 am

    Thanks for the review, I was interested in this only for Hikari's presence but if it's kinda bad I think I'll watch something else!

    I was going through the latest reviews, always appreciate coming here and finding new things.
