Sunday, May 08, 2022

Teteiteki ni Ai wa Episodes 1~4

Even watching bad jdoramas you can understand why the show became the way it did and once in a while you come across a really bad jdorama like Teteiteki no Ai wa that left me scratching my head thinking who in their right mind would think this would make an interesting love story?

This doofus is our main male character Nakahara Ronpei who works in the Foreign Ministry. In fact all 4 main characters do. 

Ronpei has a girlfriend Teruno Saeki but he treats her like shit. He also lives with his father and stepmother.

Ronpei is obsessed with Adachi, his colleague who he runs into in LA in the beginning of the series.

Adachi has an affair with Ariyoshi, boss of Teruno Saeki and Ronpei decides to be a sticky beak and stalk and lecture Adachi about everything. 

There is nothing about Ronpei that makes him a main character. He acts like a lovesick puppy neglecting his girlfriend and not having the decency to break up with her. I would be so happy if he got hit by a truck. 

Everyone's lives would be so much better without Ronpei in them. I kept watching thinking this show might turn the corner but it never had a chance. Avoid.

1 comment:

  1. Robert11:51 am

    I'm always interested in watching older dramas so I get excited when you write about them... and then bummed out if they turn out to be bad.
