Thursday, May 05, 2022

Jashin no Tenbin jdorama review

Jashin no Tenbin is the latest in WOWOW's Ishi no Mayu series except this time Kimura Fumino is not in it and the Aoki Menutaka plays the main character Takano. 

The Ishi no Mayu series has always been meh for me. Its better than your usual idoru cop dorama but there are always elements of the writing that irk me. 

This time Jashin no Tenbin is more Gaiji Keisatsu as Takano has transferred to public security (Kouan) so this is a story about a serial killings where internal organs are removed and the heart is placed on a scale with a feather.

Of course as jdorama law dictates, no one likes Takano and the way he does things rubs everyone else in public security the wrong way but he does bring a different set of skills with his background in the first division. I really like Matsuyuki Yasuko as Takano's partner Himuro and you can never be certain whether to trust her or not.

I enjoyed Jashin no Tenbin and it is easily the best of the Ishi no Mayu series. The writing is tight and is actually suspenseful whereas the other shows in the series I struggle to care.

If you are after a serial killer investigation with a political bent by public security who will have no qualms about achieving the piece using whatever method, this show is for you. Watchable for me and thanks to earthcolors for subbing!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 am

    Thanks so much for the rec! Ended checking this one out since I love gaiji keisastsu and the whole police using ethically questionable means to get results they want without higher ups knowing trope. It makes the case solving go a lot faster instead of the usual cliche conflicts of having enough evidence to get warrant, etc. etc. Does help that aoki munetaka’s dare I say a better detective than kimura fumino lol. He’s the perfect protagonist for this series, not some eccentric genius or some greenhorn, competent at his job and relatable as a human being. wish they made more instalments of him in public security; I liked the cast much more than the ishi no mayu series. They’re all capable, don’t beat around the bush and gets the job done fast. Wish more police procedurals had cast written like this.

    Only nitpick I had was it does get slow after ep 7, but understandably as the case was coming to an end and they did try a bit too hard with the red herrings. I totally didn’t expect the culprit but at the same time felt like there were too little clues (I mean how was I supposed to deduce she painted from her pencil) and the actress just didn’t feel like the criminal mastermind behind everything. She totally doesn’t look like the type that could intimidate some guy into biting his own tongue. Just made everything about the whole virus at the end feel anticlimactic/ non-threatening.

    Sorry for the long rant. Are there anymore recommendations of police dramas/investigative dramas similar to this? Tia!
