Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Oi Handsome!! jdorama review

Once upon a time there was a jdorama called Oyaji starring the late Masakazu Tamura and it was the perfect dad jdorama. They then tried to capture lightning in a bottle a second time with Otousan and it was crap.

Since then, I can't really think any dad comedy jdoramas of note until Oi Handsome! Oi Handsome! is a father and 3 daughters comedy and the good thing is that the dad, perfectly played by Kotaro Yoshida is not your typical stubborn dad. I think the overly stubborn dad is way too showa.

Kotaro Yoshida is more like an eccentric and interesting dad who at the end of the episode sometimes says something cool hence the Oi Handsome! name. Actually everyone in this family is interesting with a daughter who is having an affair, a daughter on verge of divorce and the youngest who is living with a deadbeat.

I love the writing, especially the banter whether it be about people's shadows or how each family member likes their eggs, there is always some payoff story pay off with the banter.

Its been a while that I've seen a show where I feel compelled to pay special attention to the dialogue because it is entertaining and funny and of course as all family shows do, have life lessons.

My only complaint about Oi Handsome! is that Megumi is a bit too young to be the mother and there are plenty of 50 year old actresses that they should have cast. Megumi doesn't look like she has aged since Kimutaku's Pride.

Alas 8 episodes is also way too short especially how good it is. I really love Oi Handsome! Would like to give it a must watch but its just not there. Maybe if it had at least two more episodes. 

Huge thanks to Gabrielmpf for subbing! Very watchable and highly recommended if you want a well written and funny family comedy.


  1. Robert10:39 am

    This was really funny... I watched it twice to catch all the nuances.

    The Megumi casting was weird... she's just four years older than the actress playing the older daughter.

  2. @Robert: Yes, Oi Handsome might be worth a second watch. I would be interested in the Megumi casting because its not like she has super chemistry with Kotaro Yoshida.

  3. Robert4:53 am

    Yeah in the beginning I figured that she was cast for some particular aspect of the role... but that never came to be. Not to disparage Megumi, but plenty of actresses of a more appropriate age could have played the part just as well.

  4. After watching the 1st episode, and 10mins of the 2nd, not finding this very funny. Nothing will be able to match Oyaji, maybe. Glad others are enjoying this, but for me it's time to go to search your wonderful blog and look for another series to watch.

  5. @lane99: Oyaji is one of those perfect jdoramas. Thanks for reading and hope you can find something good to watch!

  6. Robert5:29 pm

    I just started rewatching this in anticipation of the sequel (coming this April) and this time around I'm finding the casting of Megumi really distracting whenever she's on the screen. The one flaw in this otherwise great drama.

  7. @Robert: Season 2 of Oi Handsome!!!!?? I am excited and I hope there are more stories to tell because it is such an underrated show!
