Sunday, May 22, 2022

Juken no Cinderella jmovie review

 Juken no Cinderella was a really fun 2016 jdorama starring Koizumi Kotaro and Kawaguchi Haruna. I always always intrigued by the Toyohara Kosuke 2008 movie and finally got my hands on it by buying the DVD from Japan.

I don't have a computer with a dvd drive anymore so I couldn't watch it on my computer nor PS5 because of region locking. I had to drag out my modded PS2 and plug it to my mini tv to watch it so I couldn't do screencaps and can only take photos.

The Juken no Cinderella movie is similar to the dorama. Toyohara Kosuke plays a very rich teacher Igarashi who teaches people how to get into Todai. Igarashi finds out that he has one and a half years to live and does not know what to do and quits his company. In the dorama I think the teacher might have been forced out.

He runs into Terashima Saki's character Endo Maki who is this poor girl with a dad who has left his family for another woman and a mom who plays around whole day. Endo Maki has found that she can save money when she buys things at the convenience store one at a time butIgarashi is in a hurry and throws a 10000 yen note at the cashier to pay for Endo Maki's stuff as well.

Endo Maki admonishes Igarashi about the way he treats money and runs into her again when she tries to get money from him by jumping in front of his car. Igarashi decides to undertake treatment for his cancer and to teach Endo Maki who has not even finished high school.

I thought Juken no Cinderalla was an ok movie about the rich person giving this poor girl not money but an education to better her life as his final act instead of teaching people who are already smart and rich how to get into Todai. 

Of course it did not have the 8 episodes of the dorama to build up their relationship. My main reason for watching was to see Toyohara Kosuke in a main role. 

I think the drama is better and if you have seen the dorama there's not much reason to watch the movie. Watchable. 

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