Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Blood of Wolves jmovie review

I have so many jmovies to watch I don't know where to start. I need to be in a frame of mind to dedicate two whole hours to a story. With jdoramas, its just 45 minutes and I can pay half my attention and decide not to continue. Somehow I felt compelled to finally watch The Blood of Wolves and here we are.

Matsuzaka Tori aka Mr Toda Erika is the young new detective who is partnered up with the veteran Ogami played by Yakusho Koji.

Ogami does a lot of questionable things and is rumoured to have ties to the yakuza. Matsuzaka Tori is of course sent to find out of this is true and its a story about the veteran showing the young one how things work in the real world.

The Blood of Wolves is a very standard cops and yakuza story, the characters and stories basically write themselves. 

In that sense, the movie doesn't stand out but somehow the producers managed to get a lot of big names for minor roles with Maki Yoko as the mama of a kyabakura and Pierre Taki, Eguchi Yosuke and Takenouchi Yutaka as yakuzas. Its weird seeing Takenouchi Yutaka as a a bad guy.

I think Yakusho Koji's performance is Ogami is what holds the movie up. He looks like he's having a lot of fun playing this detective of morally questionable character.

Decent movie with plenty of violence. If you like yakuza movies, you'll have a fun time, just don't expect anything special. Watchable.

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