Sunday, August 22, 2021

Kioku Sousa seasons 1+2

Just finished two seasons of Kioku Sousa recently. The reason I watched two season of this police jdorama is not because its I enjoy watching generic police shows or because Kamishiraishi Mone is a good singer but because its been a while since I watched a jdorama with Japanese subtitles.

The last one I watched with Japanese subtitles was 24 Japan and it helped me greatly with understanding the show. Sometimes I watch shows raw but there's always bits that I cannot catch and with Japanese subs even if I don't know a word, I can guess the meaning with the kanji.

I find watching with Japanese subs also helps me learn and remember words better. I used to time Japanese subs back in the day but I have gotten lazy and its annoying watching and pausing every 10 minutes to retime subtitles. 

The Japanese subtitle thread at d-addicts is not really active. Japanese subtitles can be downloaded from jpsubbers although they have not updated since July. I suppose one answer for me is to watch more jdoramas on Netflix since they come with Japanese subtitles. Might think about doing that for one month end of the year.

Anyway back to Kioka Sousa starring Kitaoji Kinya, Kimutaku's dad from Karei Naru Ichizoku (Kimutaku version). He plays a detective in a wheelchair who has all of Shinjuku memorised and supporting him are Kamishiraishi Mone and Oshii Keiji himself, Kazama Shunsuke.

The second reason I lasted two seasons was that the stories are set in Shinjuku so there are a lot of easily recognisable locations. Kioku Sousa also talks about the histories of various areas in Shinjuku so there are enough 'gimmicks' to keep things interesting.

Thanks to carameltz for retiming the subtitles! In the world of generic police jdoramas I've seen worse but if you like Shinjuku, Karishiraishi Mone or Oshii Keiji you might find this forgettable jdorama and ok way to pass the time. Meh.


  1. Anonymous6:29 pm

    NSBC raws are often come with built Japanese subtitles

  2. @Anonymous: Thanks, I didn't know that! I usually get the smaller sized versions from dramahd.

  3. Btw the jpsubbers actually have the newer doramas but not (yet) orderend to the summer season. You have to go up to the highest folder to find most of the new ones there ...

  4. @hamanosilence: Thanks for that! I keep looking at 2021 folder wondering when jpsubbers would upload the summer doramas!
