Sunday, June 20, 2021

Otona no Otoko Jdorama Review


From Love or Not which featured 3 guys and 3 girls in various love triangles, we have Otona no Otoko, a jdorama from 1997 about 3 single guys who are turning forty and 3 women. 

The cast for Otona no Otoko is exceptional with Yakusho Koji as the cowardly Mizumachi, Furuhata Ninzaburo's assistant as the womanising Nonomiya and Matsumoto Akiko as Mizumachi's old flame, Oda Miyuki.

Of all the fun and interesting characters in Otona no Otoko, Oda Miyuki is my favourite because she goes through so much but always puts on a brave face. I don't remember seeing the actress Matsumoto Akiko before but I definitely won't forget her character.

Otona no Otoko is a funny and interesting show about what being a single man means in 90s Japan especially with the shy man syndrome. Throughout most of Otona no Otoko I was thinking it could possibly be a must watch show.

However, there are two things I do not like about Otona no Otoko. Firstly, the 13 episodes run time is way too long. It should have been 11 episodes at most. Secondly, the ending really sucked. The story sort of had to end that way but it did not have to but I feel like I wasted my time getting invested in those characters for 13 episodes.

Alas, I can only recommend Otona no Otoko for fans of old school jdoramas. It is well written, funny and memorable for the most part but you might not like it in the end. Thanks to GreGG for transcribing the subs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 am

    An astute review. It's true: Before the ending's letdown, this series rocks hard. Still worth seeing, if only to remind yourself of how the more things change, the more they stay the same. These characters are absolutely overflowing with maturity compared to today's vapid drama characters, and yet they're definitely troubled people whose flaws make you want to yell, "Serves you right!"
