Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Dragon Zakura Season 2 Episode 1

Once upon a time, there was a study jdorama called Dragon Zakura with Abe Hiroshi shouting his famous line "bakas and busus go to Todai!" and it was surprisingly good jdorama despite the presence of Yamapi.

Since then we have had good study shows like Biri Gal and Juken no Cinderella. The concept is foolproof. Who won't get behind underdogs working hard for their goals? Especially when you compare with shows where things just happen so the main character can win at the end.

Many years later, Abe Hiroshi and Nagasawa Masami are back and the first episode definitely has energy. Things move at a good pace to reestablish the characters and episode 1 plays out very much like the first episode of GTO. (the Sorimachi one, not the crappy one)

Something has happened to Abe Hiroshi and Masami who became a lawyer has to find him and help another struggling school to get 5 students into Todai. 

The students seem appropriately cast and the first episode was surprisingly enjoyable. Promising first episode and I am definitely looking forward to the rest of the episodes. The English subtitles are available from miamaw subs here.


  1. Anonymous12:09 am

    It only gets better!

  2. fullproof? maybe foolproof?
    Anyway, thanks for a great blog which I frequently consult for reliable recommendations.

  3. @Rick: Thanks for pointing that out and thanks for reading!

  4. lol I didn't know they made another one! Nicee...! I remember recommending S1 to a friend of mine who's a bit political and he ends up consulting his professor about education, meritocracy, and many other policies after watching the drama .. phew..
