Monday, December 28, 2020

Satsui no Michinori Episodes 3~7


Satsui no Michinori can at times feel like an excuse for writer Bakarythm and Arata to hang out with two young actresses and shoot the shit on the pretense of shooting a dorama about committing a murder because of the steady pace and dry humour.

However, watching Satui no Michinori, you can tell that Bakarythm has given much thought to the script because as slow and steady as the pacing is, Bakarthym knows how to pay things off. 

Bakathrym knows how to set things up so that the story goes somewhere that is connected to where it went before and it is brilliant, especially episode 3 and 7.

The question is of course, whether Satsui no Michinori is must watch brilliant? At the moment the answer is no (subject to change) but I still recommend everyone to watch this. 

Put up with the dry humour if you must but I promise it will be worth it. WOWOW has done it again.


  1. Just binged it based on your recommendation.

    I give them credit for trying something a little bit different.

    Personally, I could've done without the silly humor, but I understand why; it gave the writer more latitude with choice of actress and loose scripting that would annoy hardcore thriller and crime genre fan.

    With each episode only being 24 minutes, I'd also feel comfortable recommending it.

    Hope ya'll are staying safe.

  2. Looking forward to your 2020 year awards!

  3. @Jung I wasn't too fond of the silly humour but it all paid off in the end so I think its worth it. Stay safe!

    @Rick: Thanks, got lots of jdoramas too catch up on so it won't be while.
