Monday, December 21, 2020

35-sai no Shoujo Episodes 6-10

First off, the story got over my grooming concerns of the story but accelerating Nozomi's mental growth at a crazy pace. 

I would have thought it would take years for Nozomi's mental age to catch up but who knows? Its not like there have been cases of kids in comas for 25 years to base this on.

I enjoyed the dark turn that the story takes when Yuto tells her that he has to compromise his principles and she should grow up and act her age.

While Nozomi is trying to catch up for lost time, every other character is stuck in the past and she blames herself for it.

I enjoyed Shibasaki Kou's acting in this show as she does a decent job of portraying Nozomi through many mental stages.

The last episode though I did not like. Way too cheesy and everything is wrapped up too neatly in a bow.

The struggles that Yuto and Manami go through, they were entertaining characters but their struggles were undercooked and not... real enough.

On the whole I enjoyed 35-sai no Shoujo. It was an interesting concept that was decently executed but wasn't as satisfying for me. Watchable.


  1. Robert5:08 am

    Great review. There was a lot about this show that made it good and Watchable... and some things that bothered me. First half was really great, then it took some dramatic turns toward the end that I didn't enjoy so much. I had to check that I hadn't missed an episode when Nozomi is suddenly transformed from being alone in the streets to becoming a Youtube star living in a huge fancy apartment. And, yeah, the side stories are all undercooked and get unsatisfying payoffs. Overall though, I enjoyed this.

  2. HMM I was curious. have you tried using subs2srs for learning japanese? lots of premade decks nowadays

  3. @sdfs: No, I don't really understand how that thing works anyway.

  4. well it's easy to use now-adays since you dont' have to make the decks. you install anki and download the subs2srs deck ( just google jpaanese subs2srs decks) and import the decks, wait and look at the cards .
