Sunday, September 27, 2020

Rest in Peace Takeuchi Yuko

Someone please cancel 2020. I went on youtube and staring me in the face was a news clip saying Takeuchi Yuko has passed away from suicide. 

 This can't possibly be true. We just lost Ashina Sei and now Takeuchi Yuko? 

I am in shock. This is someone who is at the top of her game and has two children. We will never know what happened.

Please take care of your mental health everyone.


  1. Robert1:41 pm

    Terrible news... RIP Yuko.

  2. My anti-virus has been going NUTS for a couple of months whenever I try to visit your website, hence my first comment in about six or seven months. I can't get rid of the anti-virus either, it's a shared machine.

    Seriously though, Yuko?! Hama hit me pretty hard and Asahina surprised me but Yuko!!! :( A few people suggested it was postpartum and we all know mental health is pretty lacking in Japan.

    Really 2020, really.

  3. Anonymous12:09 am

    She was a great actress and a wonderfully charming woman. I don't doubt for a minute that she brightened many lives with her performances, as she did for me, particularly in Danda Rin. RIP.

  4. saw this on BBC last night, and it led me to another article that pointed out a disturbing coincidence about 3 cast members of Bloody Monday committing suicide.

    Should've never married that scumbag Nakamura.

    RIP. Will forever remember her in Lunch Qyeen and Bara no nai Hanaya.

  5. RIP, Takeuchi Yuko. I enjoyed her performance in Strawberry Night.

    Please take care of yourselves, everyone.

  6. I'll miss her. RIP Takeuchi Yuko.

  7. This was by far the most shocking news of this year for me if you set aside you-know-what. Fuck man, I'm choking up a bit typing these 2 sentences out.

  8. dgundam11:04 pm

    damn. RIP. one of my favorite j actresses.

  9. Anonymous5:47 am

    She's been always on my radar ever since I've discovered japanese media maybe 15 or 17 years ago. She had some very good roles, some weaker roles. And she's been Danda Rin! And she always hat the most beautiful smile of all japanese actresses. That gorgeous smile. I'll miss her smile. I'll miss her.

  10. Deep shock. I loved her in Danda Rin. But she was always at least decent. She seemed like a nice person as well. I hate this year 2020.
    I hope she will find peace if there is an afterlife.
