Thursday, August 20, 2020

Isekai Izakaya Nobu Episodes 5~10


Ah, what a fun series. The concept of Japanese actors playing Western characters was a bit weird in the beginning but really grew on me as the series progressed.   

 If I have to choose between Isekai Izakaya Nobu and Konya Ko no Ji, I would have to choose Nobu because I am a fantasy fan and I enjoyed seeing bits of fantasy brought to life even with their limited budget.

I made the mistake of making my partner watch episode 7 with the promise of food pr0n because that episode was more about paying off various storylines than torturing the audience with food. 

Very fun show that made me smile plenty of times and long for Japan. Very recommended. I probably enjoyed Izakaya Nobu more than I should but it just ticks so many of my boxes.

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