Friday, August 21, 2020

6 questions I need to ask after Ryuu no Michi Episode 3

1. So Tamaki Hiroshi gets plastic surgery, changes his name and joins the underworld all for revenge. He then kills his boss, runs to Brazil for many years and never thought about at least changing his hairstyle or growing a beard to conceal his identity?

2. Why does the teacher have to go to the head of some IT security company to 'consult' about students using SNS? How about talking to the students themselves or experienced teachers? What makes her think she can pay the consulting fee of a mega corporation? Is consultation a Japanese code word for something else?

3. Why didn't Issey Takashi just borrow another file from his other colleagues. 'Hi, my file is blank, can I borrow yours?'

4. If UD Corporation is now the in house crisis management consultant, what happened to the other consulting firm? Does the son even have the power to make such a unilateral decision?


5.  I thought they are supposed to keep this revenge plan secret but they have more leaks than Titanic.

6. How much do you want to see someone put spoiled daughter Matsumoto Marika in her place?


Ryuu no Michi is a fun absurd show but don't take it too seriously and turn of your brain.

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