Wednesday, October 02, 2019

SagiDeka episodes 1~3

Kimura Fumino (Ishi no Mayu) is back in another police show in Sagideka. I don't know why the love casting this baby faced actress in police shows but whatever.

The theme of SagiDeka is about scams and what I like about this series is that it shows it not just from the perspective of the victims but also from the scammers themselves. The scam operations are run just like any other business and its the only get rich scheme available to people without any discernible skills.

I also like that it shows how easy it is for the elderly to get caught in scams. With Japan's population getting older and older, the list of potential victims is increasing and these entitled scammers try to justify it by claiming that they are only getting their fair share from the older generation.

The gimmick of SagiDeka is this phone scammer Kaji who Kimura Fumino catches and lets go to use as an informant and we as the audience are not sure where Kaji's allegiance lies. On a side note, when did this guy graduate from playing high school student to detective? He looks way too green.

I love the revelation about Kimura Fumino's childhood and I like the twist that can be seen a mile away. Watching SagiDeka reminds me of watching this news report about this group of Japanese caught running a scam telephone operations in Thailand.

Its just scary how good the Japanese are at oreore scams and just how effective they are. Watchable.

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