Sunday, October 13, 2019

Japan 2019 trip Day 1 : Higanbana aka Red Spider Lily Festival at Kinchakuda in Koma

Just came back from Tokyo this morning and missed the crazy typhoon that is happening in Tokyo right now. If anyone is in Tokyo right now, please stay safe.

View from hotel room in Kabukicho.

Reminds me of a certain building in the Yakuza games.

You can now charge your suice contactlessly. They have not changed all machines to contactless, yet. That's my suica from my first trip to Japan a lifetime ago. I love that they never expire unlike the stupid cards in Melbourne.

Taking the train to Koma station. I believe it was an hour from Ikebukuro.

This has always been on our list to do on the first day because it was pass full bloom period and we wanted to go before it was too late.

Arriving at Koma Station.

Walking station outside the train station giving out information leaflets. No need for maps, just follow all the old people.

No idea who these shoguns are. The left says underground female general and the right one is big general under heaven.

Its a 15 minute walk to Manjushage Park and there are plenty of stalls along the way including this honesty one.

Red Spider Lilies in front of a house.

Waterway created for fish to swim upriver.

Just beautiful scenery all around.

Love this shot. Apologies for the poor photo quality from my phone camera.

And we have arrived!

Sorry the red doesn't quite pop in my photos.

We went early which meant there was not that many people which is always a good tip for avoiding crowds.

There were plenty of food stalls at the end.

The most interesting was this monkey performance which reminds of one of the revelations in Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan. I'm guessing this type of monkey performance is a traditional Japanese thing.

Tofu ice cream which wasn't that great compared to real ice cream.

There was also a stream running alongside the Red Spider Lily fields and we should have taken off our shoes and waded in them like the school kids did.

Peach water from the vending machine.

Since we had to go through Ikebukuro to get back, we did a stop at Super Potato Ikebukuro.

Not my favourite retro game shop cause its a bit cramped and the selection isn't that amazing.

Back in Kabukicho.

Dinner at Sushizanmai. We still prefer Magurobito to sushizanmai. The first time we went we had counter seats, and this time we had our own table but it took us some time to realise that could have refused the otooshi aka appetizers which they charge you extra for. Can't remember if they asked us if we wanted otooshi. After eating at Sushizanmai twice, I just want to say there are better sushi places out there.


  1. I came to ask you if you'd seen the first ep of Mada Kekkon but I see you're in Japan. We will probably miss each other by a week or so, I'm headed out on the 26th of October. :)

  2. @Sonna`: Enjoy your trip! Anything special planned? Hopefully you're not too early for autumn colours.

  3. Love your posts about your Japan trips. Beautiful flowers.

  4. Nothing special planned - maybe get a Switch (cheaper than the UK). I have a friend who likes to play cooperative games, so I'll try to find something for us together. His first and main language is Chinese, so it has to be something easy and fun but without too much reading.

    Maybe get a few pairs of new glasses, and some cosmetics. Looking forward to eating ramen and sushi.

    Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip.

  5. dgundam1:22 am

    hi mike, thanks for the pics!

    my wife really wants to visit japan again after we went last time for our honeymoon.
    she especially loved the kaiseki meal we had...
    but we wont be going anytime soon since we just had a baby and will want to wait a few more years till he grows up so that he can enjoy.

  6. @dgundam: Congratulations on your baby!
