Friday, December 27, 2024

Octo: Kanjo Sosakan Shinno Akari Episodes 3~6

The one good thing I can say about Octo is that I liked the ending of episode 4. Similar to the ending of episode. I like my stories a bit twisted.

That being said, I am dropping Octo because I can't stand the gimmick. Iitoyo Marie drawing emotions every time they interview a suspect is just annoying instead of focusing on clues or their reactions. 

Watching Octo is a chore. I would rather watch any episode of Aibo. Hell, I would watch any episode of Shinzanmono. I just wanted Octo to be a police procedural that did not bore me and it turned out to be exactly that. 

Obviously something worked because there is a second season of Octo but as soon as I publish this, I am deleting the whole thing from my HD. I don't care about who killed Iitoyo's family. I just want to be free from this utterly boring police procedural relying on a one trick gimmick. Do not watch.

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