Saturday, September 07, 2024

Warau Matryoshka Episodes 6-11 spoiler review



By the jdorama gods, I really like the ending of Warau Matroysha. In the end, Seike Ichiro has become his own master. Or has he? The whole show is about the search of who is his true Hanussen. In the process, we learn that Seikei has been programed from a young age to be a perfect politician by his mother. He has the same amazing gifts that his father had but also the same flaw and everyone sought to use him for their benefit.

Seikei was a person with no self and relied on others to give him purpose and because he could rise to that purpose everyone sought to use him. Seikei was a tool, a man with no desire except for the desire of the Hanussen he latches onto. Seikei was a machine seeking purpose, seeking awareness outside of what his mother intended.

The calm headed Seikei had no desire but he did find one, the desire not to be looked down upon. He did not want to be looked down upon as a tool, not by his mother, not by his lover and not by Suzuki. It was his only reason to keep going to the top, so he could look down on everyone. I loved the revelation that even the times he had outbursts were all planned and taught by his mother. That guy is scary.

I really love the psychology of Seikei who worships Hitler and wants to make himself the supreme leader of Japan. He is Pinnochio who has surpassed Gepeto and now becomes king. Michiura is the one person who he has shown his true face to besides his father. Dammit, I love the story of Warau Matroysha. Sakurai Sho does a good job as Ichiro with that smile that seems slightly fake and with an acting that you can never tell his real. I love that line after Seikei tells Michiura everything and he asks her are you scared of me?

My one complaint is some of the political stuff is too simple. Michiura becoming Ichiro's brain came and gone in 3 minutes. Should have been a whole episode but I get it. It is not a dorama about the machinations of politics but Seikei was talking about amending the constitution and the show could have gone into polling, campaigns and so much delicious political stories. Seikei changing his mind willy-nilly just shows that he got by because of his oratory abilities and not political shrewdness.

Now I am faced with a dilemma. Do I award Warau Matroysha a must watch? I love this show especially the story. Its a brilliant idea and pretty well done though a bit too simple in the political department.  I would have made the story move faster, put in a bit more political stuff and done one episode of Michiura being the brain. 

I want to mention another minus point which is Watanabe Dai's role being so small. I love Warau Matryosha very much but it is missing something to make it must watch. Very, very watchable and well done TBS!

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