Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Geeks: Keisatsusho no Henjintachi

Geeks: The weird people from the police station is a generic police jdorama featuring three women: Matsuoka Mayu as a forensic examiner, Tanaka Minami as physician in the police station and Takizawa Karen who works in the traffic department. 

Our three main heroines leave work on time and gather every friday night and solve cases. There is of course a detective who brings the cases and information to them  and it is mostly Matsuoka Mayu who figures the cases out in the end.

I will watch Matsuoka Mayu in anything especially after Fence but there is nothing interesting in Geeks. The characters have their own idiosyncrasies  like Matsuoka Mayu's character not liking human contact and enjoying puzzles but there is nothing funny or interesting about the 3 ladies.

The on possible interesting point is Shirasu Jin (Nikolaus from Izakaya Nobu) as Matsuoka Mayu's next door neighbour who has a thing for her. He is also a regular on Keiji 7-nin which used to be decent until they got rid of Kurashina Kana. Anyway if the most promising thing about your police show is the possible romance story, you are in trouble.

Geeks is a very soft police story where there is hardly any action and the 3 ladies solve the mystery but unlike Furuhata Ninzaburo, there is no charm or chemistry. I did not find anything funny at all. I really wanted to stop after episode 1 and gave it another episode but I have to drop Geeks. 

Geeks: Keisatsusho no Henjintachi is so bland it is tasteless. Actually the best thing about Geeks is the ending song by Sambomaster! Do no waste your time watching.


  1. @Faiz: Gannibal has been sitting in my downloads folder for a very long time....

  2. Anonymous10:14 am

    @ Akiramike
    If you go back and watch "FENCE" and this, Matsuoka Mayu's ability to convey subtle facial expressions are totally different.

    One of the reasons I really appreciated her performances was she always gave off a very complex air and it never took very much for her to take you on a roller coaster ride. It is like there were multiple undercurrents just beneath the surface and you never knew if any of them would show at any moment. I think I may miss that.
