Monday, July 08, 2024

Warau Matryoshka Episode 2 spoilers

Don't read on if you have not seen episode 2 of Warau Matryoshka! 

Just want to say the new annoying staple of jdoramas is the youtuber harassing people. I guess it is the same thing as what the media and scoop magazines do in jdoramas but being youtubers just makes it worst.

In episode 1, Michiura figured out that Suzuki was the brains behind the operation and that Seike had the ability to absorb and be whatever Suzuki needed him to be. In episode 2 we finally get to see their partnership in action and it is entertaining. I love the flashbacks to Seiki running for student president cut with scenes of his media speech. 

The question is what is behind the fake smiling face? Is Seike truly a person without will and does whatever Suzuki wants? Michiura believes he is asking for her help by sending her his thesis and wants to escape from Suzuki's control. Jdorama watchers know that the first supposition is always false.

Then the question is what does Seike hope to achieve by giving Michiura access? It is then that Michiura discovers that Seike is able to achive his dream at 27 because of a car accident and her father's death was also from a car accident. 

She tries to warn Seike about Suzuki but we cannot discern anything from his face. Is he really sending Michiura an SOS or is Seike playing her like a fiddle?

I want to say, so happy to see Watanabe Dai in this show. He better have a big role and I suspect he does later in the series.

Bloody exciting finding out the identity of the mystery woman. I love how Michiura pieces together her clues with information from Seike's autobiography. It reminds me of Yami no Bansosha where Furuta Arata and Matsushita Nao try to solve a mystery from clues in a manga. I need to rewatch it someday because it is one of my absolute favourites. Anything with manga in it, I love.

I am excited for the revelation of the 3rd party. The whole dying the same age as Hanussen's is brilliant. I thought Suzuki was going to be a scary character, Takaoka Saki (Kenja no Ai) is going to be even better. After two excellent episodes, I have to give Warau Matryoshka a must watch. As soon as episode 3 hits nyaa, I am watching straight away. Sooner or later we are going to run out of revelations and how good the show will be will depend on what the characters do. Warau Matroyshka does not smell like your typical TBS show, so fingers crossed!


Anonymous said...

Another show where something feels off in the pacing but the cast is working so hard.

You can't tell if the interesting plot embedded in the story will win out in the long run, or the early warning signs will leave this show as another "what could have been"

Akiramike said...

@Anonymous: The pacing has slowed in 3+4 but I am still invested. Do agree that we have to wait until the plot is revealed to be able to judge for certain.