Sunday, June 16, 2024

Yakusoku Episodes 3~10

Yakusoku is finally finished and it is not a good show. The writing is not polished, the two main characters wear all black working in the countryside and the show doesn't even try to show the beauty of inaka. The police do too many things that make me scratch my head. The acting is nothing special, Nakamura Anne doesn't emote much and the guy just pouts throughout the series.

However, everytime an episode appeared on dramahd, I could not help myself and would download and watch the next episode straight away. Why? Because there is nothing about the show that I hate. It does not do anything good, but it does not do anything wrong either. It is not as bad as Triangle and it does not try to do too many twists like certain mainstream serial killer jdoramas.

In the end, Yakusoku gave me enough entertainment  for 10 episode but I have to delete because it is not worth keeping at 2GB per episode. Meh quality show which I surprisingly enjoyed and has not answered the question can Nakamura Anne act?

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