Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Oi Handsome S2 Ep 3: hara goshirae

Love the writing for Oi Handsome and episode 3 is centred around food. 3 of dad's subordinates  you see in the background already had lunch reservations and decided to ditch it when he invited them to lunch.

The subordinates thought he was leading them to some fancy place but in fact he was leading them to this standing soba place so they quickly remembered their lunch reservations.

Mum gets delivery sushi for lunch and her nosy neighbour tries to steal her maguro. We later find out that this is one of her enjoyments and traditions.

At 12pm Mika and pointy boobs power walk straight to their lunch place the all seats have been taken women from other companies including the woman stalking Mika's boyfriend. Pointy boob's rant is funny.
Dad is about to enjoy unaju aka eel on rice with 2 other people from partner company Nihon Yuusei Corp when an emergency occurs as the hometown of the company president is wrong on the pamphlet. Only in Japan can an insignificant thing like this be life and death. Dad wants to eat the unaju but the two other people leave because it is an emergency.

This becomes a problem when the two Nihon Yuusei people found out that dad had finished his unaju!

Nihon Yuusei have a meet with dad the next day accusing him of being a suitable partner because he finished his food when an 'emergency' was going on! lol

The chief from Nihon Yuusei comes into the meeting, apologises for taking dad's time. He says that if some problem happens having a meal before tackling the problem (hara goshirae) The funny thing is I have just come across this word on the same day playing Unicorn Overlord. Very seldom do the words I learn from playing RPGs come useful for watching jdoramas. I will forever remember hara goshirae because it is such a unique phrase.

Chief asks dad where to go for lunch and he suggests the standing soba place which surprises the 3 subordinates because they were expecting something grand for a VIP but at the end of the episode they end up going to the standing soba and finding it delicious. Moral of the story is don't do your work on an empty stomach and just because a place is cheap doesn't mean it is not good. (in Japan)

There are so many meal related stories like Mika making a shobu meal before he tries to get his manga turned into an anime. This ties back to hara goshirae.

Or flashback to mom's tradition of take away sushi. It is easy to make Megumi look 30 but it is impossible to make her look old.

All the various stories about food and the importance of meals come together beautifully at the end of the episode. I have to give this episode a must watch because it is masterful writing about the importance of a meal before tackling a problem.

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